Marketing disclosure statement

Marketing disclosure statement

The Kati Keksi website is run as a hobby, not a business, in terms of income it generates. But, in the interests of full disclosure and transparency we have a marketing disclosure statement that covers income sources.

Income related to marketing

As I mentioned this website is currently run as a hobby and does not replace full time work. In fact, I could buy just four flat white coffees per month with the current revenue (September 2023).

Ads by Google AdSense

The ads you see on are placed and managed via Google Adsense. Advertisements on the website are distinct from other content to ensure you know what you are engaging with.

Affilate links

Most of my posts are shopping guides and reviews for gluten free products. These are found mainly in Australia but also overseas. Some products are available only online and if they are difficult to find I will post a link to that store.

Affiliate links are links to other sites I am personally affiliated with. If you click the link and make a purchase I may earn a small commission from that company. This commission is at no cost to you and does not increase the price of your purchase but it does help me continue running this website.

If a post contains affiliate links I will make it clear at the start of the article so that you are fully aware. It will always be for products I support, and not something just to make money.

I currently work with If this relationship results in a significant income (i.e. a living wage) I will disclose this here when it becomes applicable.

I have recently signed up as an Amazon Associate (October 2023). This will be a trail run, you may see increased affiliate links in my articles.

I have also recently (Dec 2023) signed up with Etsy to share affiliate links. You’ll see these links mainly on my craft posts and gift guides.

If you have any queries about this marketing disclosure statement please get in touch via the About Me page.