Dinners this week 31 January 2022

Posted: February 3, 2022 Updated: March 13, 2022
One thing that’s hard for anybody, no matter their diet, is to come up with enticing food ideas week-in week-out. So I thought I’d start sharing my weekly meal planner that covers all our dinners for the week. These meal ideas are all gluten free and pretty easy – I can be quite lazy in the kitchen most nights.

How and when do I plan my meals? I don’t actually have a set time that I sit down and meal plan. Instead I keep a live document on my phone that I can come to and edit at any time.
I use the Google Keep notes app on my phone, I have a list with each day of the week and write next to each day what I plan to cook. Sometimes it has a lot of detail (pho, beef, mushrooms, green beans) other days… not so much (salmon?). It’s never quite done or perfect, but it allows me to come back and make edits in real time. The note is shared via Keep with my husband so he knows what we’re eating (and occasionally he contributes to the planning).
I keep my shopping list on the same app on a different note so it’s easy for me to quickly update it as I plan the next meal.
Meal plan
Even though it’s above I’ll write it out here – and translate the days of the week (it’s in Finnish).
- Monday – tacos + roasted veg and leftover roast chicken
- Tuesday – corn cakes, pork (cajun seasoning), green beans
- Wednesday – teriyaki salmon, rice, edamame, baked eggplant
- Thursday – beef pho (beef in freezer), green beans mushrooms
- Friday – lamb steaks/strips, rice, tzatziki (homemade – don’t eat yoghurt), eggplant
- Saturday – chicken legs, baked sweet potato, slaw
- Sunday – beef Stroganoff, pasta
Most meals this week will be pretty straight forward / basic without a recipe. Thursday’s beef pho is a cheat using the Mr Chen’s beef pho kit. It tastes phenomenal. It retails around $7 but I’ve seen it on special for as low as $4, definitely a good item to keep in the pantry.

We’re making the tzatziki at home this week as I’ve got an almost empty tub of Chobani greek yoghurt in the fridge. Not quite enough for a breakfast but a good amount for our dinner. I usually make it by adding chopped cucumber, mint, salt and pepper and powdered garlic (I find this less irritating to my stomach than raw garlic).
What’s on your menu for the week, would consider any of my plans? Let me know in the comments or find me on Instagram @kati_keksi