Arnott’s Snack Right brekkie cookie is gluten free

Posted: August 22, 2023 Updated: February 10, 2024
Arnott’s Snack Right protein breakfast cookie is now available in gluten free! Right now they are exclusive to Coles. I don’t believe they are available in Woolworths. At the current price of $8 I think people will want to know what they like before they buy them. So I’ve gone out and paid that $8 so I can write a review for you all.
Before I bought this pack there were two things that put me off when I saw it in the supermarket. The obvious one is the price and a second is that it’s packed full of fake sugars. In this case, Malitol, isomalt and steviol glycosides.
I decided to get the cranberry flavour. There is also a chocolate chip version available to buy. I figured cranberry was the better option as this is designed to be a breakfast replacement. And while I am known to have chocolate in the mornings, I prefer my chocolate to be chocolate.

Arnott’s gluten free products keep on coming
This release is the latest of in a group items from Arnott’s that are gluten free. The first gluten free items from Arnott’s were GF remakes of some of their most famous biscuits (though we’re still waiting on Tim Tams).
In case you’ve been living under a rock these last few months, Arnott’s new Tiny Teddy cereal is gluten free. Though you’d be forgiven if you didn’t know, they hid the Coeliac Australia logo on the side!
Taste and texture
It’s a nice soft chewy cookie. You can feel the crunchy soy protein pieces. There’s other texture there from the whole grain sorghum flakes which is really nice. It’s like eating an oat cookie.
There’s no grainy textures in the cookie which can often come from various sugars in the recipe. However, the packet says that there is less than 5g of sugar per serve.
The cookie isn’t too crumbly either. I ate mine at the table without a plate and it didn’t leave many crumbs.

Ingredients and allergens
If you can’t eat nuts and therefore can’t eat a Carman’s bar, these are a great option. In terms of allergens, this contains soy, milk and egg. There is no may contain warning for any other allergens, which is great.
The cookie isn’t sweet at all which is really nice, particularly if you were eating this for breakfast.
You get a great burst of sweetness when you come across a dried cranberry in the cookie.
One small victory was that the cookies are actually a little bit bigger than the weight listed on the packet. The one that I ate for this review weighed in at 50 grams. The other two cookies in the box were 48 and 50 grams respectively. It does suck that we get massively ripped off in terms of quantity and volume when it comes to gluten-free products. So getting a cookie that’s 10% bigger is good in my books.

The verdict
I’m surprised to say but these are actually good. They taste nice. The texture is good. They aren’t crumbly and I can’t taste the fake sugars that are in it. You could definitely eat this as a on-the-go breakfast substitute with a cup of coffee to keep you going.
However, given the price of $8 for a packet of three, I’m not going to be buying this at full price again. Ever. If it went on sale for half price it would be great. But at over $2.50 per cookie it feels a bit steep.
I’m not going to compare this to a big packet of cookies. Instead, I’ll compare it to what I would use as an alternative breakfast on the go. For me, that’s the Carman’s protein bars.
You can pick up a packet of five bars for about $6.20 these days, that’s $1.24 per bar. In terms of protein, which would be the main macronutrient you’d be looking at, they have 10g while the Arnott’s cookie only has 5g. So if you’re looking at a price per gram of protein, Carman’s is winning by a large margin.
Gluten free: Legit, nil detected.
Vegetarian / vegan: Vegetarian
Allergens: Soy, milk, egg. May contain: Nil
Serving size: Three single serve cookies.
Looking for more breakfast options? Check out my cereal reviews!
Or if you’re heading to the kitchen make this tasty McDonald’s fakeaway.
Thank you I would like to get samples I am a different biscuit please if possible
Hi Robert,
Thanks so much for the comment. Unfortunately I don’t have any ties to Arnott’s so I can’t help you out with any samples. You’ll have to buy some when they come out or perhaps get a sample at a GF festival later in the year.
Kati x