BBQ Shapes and Jatz are now gluten free!

Posted: March 7, 2024 Updated: January 23, 2025
Arnott’s have finally released savoury gluten free biscuits with Jatz and BBQ shapes to be the very first items.
I know so many of you have been waiting for this, especially the folks who don’t like chocolate or don’t have a sweet tooth.
It was only a few months ago that we got gluten free Tim Tams and people were wild. It’ll be interesting to see how the gluten free community reacts to this, will it be bigger?
Gluten Free Shapes
I think Arnott’s have made a pretty solid choice in having BBQ as their first shapes flavour. You can clearly see my optimism that there will be more – I’m hoping for pizza shapes!

Ingredients of gluten free BBQ shapes
The first thing I’m often asked with new products are about the ingredients. In particular other allergens. According to the images BBQ shapes contain soy and may contain milk and egg.

Gluten Free Jatz
If someone can tell me the difference between a Jatz and a Savoy please let me know in the comments! I never ate these when I was gluten free so I have no idea. I know they are super popular so a lot of coeliacs are going to be excited with this news.

Ingredients of gluten free Jatz
The allergens are the same for Jatz as they are for the shapes. According to the images gluten free Jatz contain soy and may contain milk and egg.

What about gluten free Savoy?
So here’s the thing… Apparently Jatz and Savoy are pretty much the same biscuit with slightly different ingredients? I didn’t know this, but there were articles about it last year.
Turns out in Tasmania and Victoria we call them Savoy, while the rest of the country says Jatz?! Weird gluten eaters, am I right?
Further to this, on the same day as the Jatz and Shapes photos came out I also saw one photo of gluten free Savoy biscuits. So, I think we’re getting “both” but they are probably the same thing but in different boxes.
The ingredients are exactly the same as the Jatz, so yay! Gluten free Savoy for everyone too!

Where to buy gluten free Jatz and Shapes
So the news of these was broken through the new product page at Woolies. There’s listings for gluten free BBQ shapes and gluten free Jatz however they are currently listing as out of stock.
This also happened for a few weeks when Lindt’s new cheesecake flavoured Lindt balls came out.
So, we just have to be patient gluten free folks!
Edit: One lovely Facebook follower just said they spoke to an Arnott’s employee who said end of April / early May will be the release date. They’ll be coming to Coles as well!
Someone else posted from 16th March so we could be seeing them even sooner!
How much will gluten free Jatz and gluten free shapes cost?
From what I’ve seen they will be $5.50 per packet. The Savoy / Jatz are 130g and the gluten free BBQ Shapes are 110g.
Pretty darned expensive if you ask me!
Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for further updates, including news when these are released in stores!
While you’re here, check out my gluten free Easter egg guide.