Tag: IGA

Latina Fresh Spinach and Ricotta Agnolotti

Latina Fresh Spinach and Ricotta Agnolotti

With so few fresh gluten free pastas on the market I’m thinking most people have tried the Latina Fresh spinach and ricotta agnolotti. But it doesn’t hurt to have a review out there, especially if you’re new to gluten free life as a freshly diagnosed …

Frozen Chips that are Gluten Free in Oz

Frozen Chips that are Gluten Free in Oz

If you can’t find a dedicated fryer while you’re out then you need gluten free frozen chips to cook at home. Chips should of course be gluten free but sadly this often isn’t the case for home cooked chips. Frozen chips are often coated in …

Ice Cream in Australia that’s Gluten Free

Ice Cream in Australia that’s Gluten Free

Summer is here in Australia and if you’re like me you’re searching for the next gluten free ice cream to cool you down. If you haven’t already seen my complete guide to gluten free icy poles and ice creams (on a stick) in Australia check …

Gluten Free Gravy Powder in Australia

Gluten Free Gravy Powder in Australia

Do you miss the ease of gravy powder since becoming gluten free? You may be surprised that there are actually quite a few brands that are gluten free. Not just one gluten free version of their gravy powder but the entire range. Personally, I don’t …

Top Ten Gluten-free Easter Eggs 2022

Top Ten Gluten-free Easter Eggs 2022

If you delve deeply enough you’ll soon see there are so many gluten-free Easter eggs available in Australia that you need a top ten list. For those of you that haven’t seen it, I’ve got a full list of all the gloriously gluten-free Easter eggs …