8 Gift Ideas for your Gluten Free Valentines

Posted: February 3, 2023 Updated: February 11, 2025
Valentines Day rolls around every year on the same date yet many of us struggle for gift ideas to get for that gluten free person in our lives.
Back in 2023 I made it easy and put together a list of eight gift ideas you can easily do – even at the last minute!
I’ve listed them from least expensive to most expensive so there’s something for every budget – starting at just $1.50!
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1. Buy a chocolate heart (or six) from Haigh’s. $1.50.
Haigh’s is well-known for their excellent range of gluten free, coeliac safe chocolates and treats.
During the Valentines season they release a small range of themed gifts with lots of gluten free chocolate hearts.
Their smallest hearts at just 8g cost only $1.50 and come in a range of coloured foils including red, pink, gold and brown.
Pair a chocolate heart with a coffee in bed and your valentine’s day will be off to a winning start.

Note for 2025: Some time in 2024 Haigh’s out of the blue changed their gluten free status on loads of products, keeping some, losing others.
These hearts lost their gluten free status. However, on the Haigh’s site they say “The recipe and manufacturing process has not changed.”
So as you can imagine I’m at a bit of a loss of what to say here. It’s up to you, I am sure many coeliacs will still eat them and some will avoid. Haigh’s do still have a gluten free filter and plenty of gluten free chocolates for your valentine.
2. Pick up a fancy cake from a local bakery. $10.
Did you know many fancy cakes are naturally gluten free? Almond sponges are sturdier (and more decadent) than your average sponge and often end up as the base on things like mousse domes.
Check out your local French patisserie and see what’s on offer! If you’re buying for a coeliac be sure to ask all the cross contamination questions. It might also help to take photos of the display (like the GF labels) to alleviate any stress. We GF folk as you know have some trust issues when it comes to food that looks too good to be true.
Depending on your city you might have a dedicated gluten free bakery nearby! Sydney has a tonne of gluten free bakeries, some fancier than others so check my article before you head out.
If you’re in Melbourne then drop in to Kudo in the CBD, or head to Voila Patisserie (Coburg), Butter Mafia (Northcote), Glazed (Elsternwick) or one of the many others dotted around the state.
Around Australia there’s also Champagne and Gumboots (Perth), Alby’s Gluten Free Bakery (Adelaide), Nodo (Brisbane).

3. Get them something they wouldn’t expect to be gluten free. $15
Now I will say this, it’s a challenge for my husband to do this for me because my job is this website and researching all the new and upcoming items. BUT! I do enjoy sharing my finds and many people are shocked by the hidden gluten free gems around the supermarket. Here’s a few your valentine might not know about.
- Bailey’s chocolate truffles (available at Coles)
- Baci chocolates (at all grocery stores)
- Giant Ferrero balls (these are already out for Easter but that doesn’t matter!)
- Krispy Kreme (okay not the real thing but Katz have made an amazing gluten free version)
- Lindt Lindor white chocolate cheesecake flavour
- Magnum Ego (the multipack at the supermarket, check this article)

4. Buy that expensive gluten free item they’ve been eyeing off. $20
You know the one, the one they stare at longingly in the supermarket, farmers market or your local artisan provedore. The one where they always say, “I can’t spend that much just on me!”
If you’re not sure here are some hints
- Tubs of ice cream that cost over $15 (like Pana Organic, their entire range is gluten free).
- Gluten free replicas of beloved chocolates – there are so many Cherry Ripe alternatives available (including dairy free!).
- Frozen Dishes from New Chinese Garden range (100% GF ready meals at about $15 per person)
- Any item that they absolutely love but you hate so they never buy it.

5. Find the fanciest gluten free bread and make a delicious cheese board. $30.
Now by fancy I explicitly mean not supermarket bread. Gluten free folk have to deal with supermarket bread on a weekly basis and it can be quite bothersome. But get the right bread and you could be in cheese heaven – like with this glorious baked camembert.
What you want to find is a good gluten free sourdough or artisan bread. If sourdough isn’t in your area look for a freshly made baguette or loaf from your local gluten free bakery. A good gluten free sourdough or artisan loaf will set you back anywhere from $10 – $15. Seems expensive? They are worth every slice.
For sourdough in Sydney look no further than WholeGreen, who are handily stocked across the state in Harris Farm and some Woolworths (check the website for latest stockists). Other fresh bakeries with great breads include Sebastien sans Gluten (not sourdough but very French) and Baker’s Alchemy.
In Melbourne you’ve plenty of options too. Kudo is the latest seller of gluten free breads with a rolling range of options (check their IG stories for daily flavours). The team at Eat Cannoli distribute gluten free sourdough around Melbourne, with various delivery days and pick up sites.
At independent grocers and health food stores you might find yourself GF Precinct, they have a sourdough base and are distributed along the east coast (including Tassie!).

6. Make them an amazing fakeaway meal! $50+
This one is really up to you on the price. But if you’re spending your life with a coeliac or someone strictly gluten free you know how stressful it can be to dine out.
Do a bit of research and head out to the shops and buy everything you need to make an amazing spread of takeaway style food. The best way to get the feeling of a takeaway meal at home is to have loads of options, so you’ve got starters, a main and dessert, all themed to that cuisine.
Some ideas include
Thai / asian style
- Dumplings (check my GF dumpling guide), Pad Thai (get a kit by Ayam or Marion’s kitchen) or beef pho (Mr Chen’s), Mochi ice creams
Indian style
- Samosas by Simply Wize, basically any curry kit (almost all are gluten free), coconut rice (either packet or make yourself), gluten free naan from Woolies
Italian style
- Garlic bread (any supermarket should have GF), Latina Fresh filled pasta, Yalla tiramisu.
7. Get a bottle of champagne and some strawberries. $60.
The hashtag #champagneisglutenfree should really be more popular because it’s absolutely true! Grab a bottle of their favourite sparkling and splurge those extra few dollars on the premium strawberries at the supermarket.
Strawberries and champagne are the perfect combination and the bright red colour of the strawberries makes it more romantic right? Just make sure you’ve got some champagne flutes washed and ready – it’s no fun waiting around trying to find them in the back of the cupboard.
Not drinking alcohol at the moment? There are loads of alcohol free options, I really like the Edenvale 0% sparkling wine. In fact, I used it in my Ginger Royale cocktail and it was fabulous!

8. Reserve a table for two at a 100% gluten free restaurant. $100+
What better way to have your loved one completely at ease than knowing everything will be gluten free. Then the only thing you’ll have to worry about is a hangover the next day. There are also venues that aren’t 100% gluten free but have Coeliac Australia accreditation – so they’ll be 100% safe.
To find gluten free venues you can do a few things, the best results will come from gluten free bloggers either with their own websites or on Instagram (sometimes their IG is more up to date). To find these people in your state either google ‘gluten free restaurant’ plus your city or look up the relevant hashtag on Instagram. #glutenfreemelbourne, #glutenfree sydney and start scrolling!
Here’s a few to get you started
Onda, La Tortilleria, Mission District, Ciao Mamma, Le Feu, Stalactites, Recess (Geelong).
Restaurant 317, Miranda RSL, Comeco, Harbord Hotel (not 100% GF but a coeliac chef), Wafu Kitchen.
Around Australia: Angel Falls Grill (Perth), Duke of Brunswick (Adelaide), Port Admiral Hotel (Adelaide), Merak GF (Brisbane – Redland Bay).
Let me know more in the comments!
Note I’ve put this at $100+ just to cover the higher groups, there are definitely 100% gluten free venues you can have a meal for two for under $60.
Well there you have it, plenty of gift options to impress your gluten free loved one this Valentines Day. Let me know what you’ll be doing in the comments, or if you’ve got any fantastic ideas or gluten free venues to recommend!
Need more ideas? Check out my bumper GF gift guide I wrote back at Christmas.
While you’re in a gifting mood check out the new gluten free Easter eggs for 2025.

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